Abstract Text
A subset of cytochrome P450 enzymes perform the first and rate-limiting step in the clearance of foreign
small molecule drugs and toxins from the human body, while others play key roles in endogenous pathways. Of
necessity the former evolved the flexibility to bind and oxidize a broad range of small molecule chemical
scaffolds, while the latter appear to be less flexible and have more substrate specificity. What we know about
the structures of all of these membrane proteins has been determined solely by X-ray crystallography. This
approach provides detailed information about atomic-level protein/ligand interactions, but has not been applied
across the human spectrum of P450 enzymes and does not capture the range of conformations these enzymes
are capable of adopting or their interactions with other proteins. Thus application of a cross-section of structural
techniques is essential to provide the information needed to understand which P450 enzymes bind which small
molecules, how they are bound, and what the products will be. This information is critical for understanding
drug/toxin metabolism to forms that may be either active or inactive, adverse interactions of two drugs at the
same P450 active site, and endogenous pathways related to diverse diseases.
The applicant's long-term research goal is to promote understanding of the structure/function principles that
control substrate and inhibitor interactions with P450 enzymes, in order that this information can be exploited to
more effectively prevent and treat human disease. The objective of this proposal is to generate structures of new
human cytochrome P450 enzymes with the critical components of the catalytic system: their ligands·, redox
partner proteins, and eventually the membrane. A number of human cytochrome P450 enzymes do not have
structures available and none have structures with their catalytic partner proteins. These are gaps we propose
to bridge using the following approaches, building on our previous structural expertise with more than 20 human
cytochrome P450 enzymes and a collaboration with cryo-electron microscopist Dr. Melanie Ohi.
Specific aim 1: Determine structures of human P450 enzymes.
A structure exists for only about half of the 57 human cytochrome P450 enzymes. Many of those without
structures are involved in key homeostatic pathways involving bile acids, fatty acids, eicosanoids, and vitamins,
impeding our understanding of a number of corresponding diseases. We take advantage of this R37 extension
opportunity to propose a small-scale structural genomics project to "close the gap" by determining structures of
as many of these P450 enzymes as possible. As we have done successfully for many other human P450
enzymes, we will 1) engineer synthetic genes in ways that usually produce P450 holoproteins, 2) undertake
expression and purification trials, and 3) subject those yielding enough active P450 protein to crystallization for
X-ray structure determination. We will initially focus on those responsible for bile acid and fatty acid synthesis
as we have additional expertise and tools to support success in these areas. As specific ligands can be critical
for stability and crystallization, we will use a range of nonspecific luminescent P450 substrates to screen ligands
that bind each P450 tightly and are likely to facilitate crystallization, as has been successful for CYP1A 1. In
cases where protein is generated but crystallization does not occur (CYP2S1, CYP2W1, CYP3A7, CYP2F
currently in hand), we will initiate structures using cryoEM. Preliminary studies in collaboration with Dr. Melanie
Ohi have very quickly yielded a small data set for CYP3A4 with 2D resolution good enough to visualize alpha
helices. Even if crystallization is successful with a particular P450 enzyme, this latter approach is independently
valuable as it is likely to reveal P450 "open" conformations that must exist but are usually not obtained in crystals.
Specific aim 2: Determine structural effects of cytochrome bs and reductase binding to human P450
There are no structures of b5 or reductase binding to any human P450 enzymes. Over the last grant period
we used NMR to identify the two b5. surfaces that differentially bind individual cytochrome P450 enzymes. The
next step proposed is to use NMR to identify the opposing surfaces on individual P450 enzymes and the effects
that b5 binding has on the conformation of these P450 enzymes and their interactions with ligands. We know
from our previous studies that when b5. binds CYP17 A1 that major conformational changes occur on the opposite
face of the P450, which is normally involved in membrane binding and ligand entry/exit from the active site. It is
unclear if this is generally true. Advanced labeling techniques and substrate-directed NMR will be used to answer
these questions. Finally, we will employ our P450/redox partner fusion constructs to elucidate the feasibility of
determining structures of selected complexes using cryoEM.
Overall, our ability to probe P450 structure using orthogonal techniques, supported by the preliminary data
and expertise already developed under this grant, uniquely qualify us to expand research into these areas. Upon
completion, we expect to have significantly expanded the structures available for multiple human P450 enzymes
of significant interest with respect to a broad range of human diseases.
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