Optimizing Evidence-Based Practice Implementation for Clinical Impact: the IMPACT Center
Project Number1P50MH126219-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderLEWIS, CARA CHARISSA Other PIs
Abstract Text
Optimizing Evidence-Based Practice Implementation for Clinical Impact
The goal of the IMPACT Center is to accelerate the impact of evidence-based practices (EBPs) for youth
receiving mental healthcare in low-resourced community-based settings. These settings, which include commu-
nity mental health centers and schools, provide mental healthcare to most low-income, ethnically diverse youth
who receive services. In these settings, EBPs are not implemented widely or with fidelity, and youth have high
unmet mental health needs, leading to adverse outcomes. In IMPACT, we focus on optimizing EBP implemen-
tation in low-resourced community settings for four of the most common youth mental health conditions: depres-
sion, anxiety including posttraumatic stress, and behavioral conditions. To provide high-quality treatment for
youth, community settings need support to optimize EBP implementation. The field of implementation science
has tried to address this research-practice gap; however, a recent editorial call for more “practical implementation
science” that generates solutions in partnership with the practice community leading to tools they can use inde-
pendently for EBP implementation. In IMPACT, we will partner with stakeholders in developing, refining, employ-
ing, and disseminating user-friendly methods and tools to accelerate the impact of EBPs for youth.
IMPACT targets 3 implementation challenges: (I) Identify and prioritize determinants to EBP implementation;
(II) Match implementation strategies to prioritized determinants; and (III) Test and optimize strategies according
to practice partner goals (e.g., reach, preference, impact, efficiency, affordability). Our Methods Core is a trans-
disciplinary team from clinical, community, and organizational psychology; information, computer, and imple-
mentation sciences; anthropology; medicine; public health; and user-centered design. We will develop methods
and toolkits for each challenge, co-designed and refined with practice partners for acceptability, feasibility, and
appropriateness. Our partnership with the WA EBP Initiative is an ideal laboratory for developing new methods.
The IMPACT Center, a Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute-University of Washington
partnership, is codirected by Lewis and Dorsey. The Administrative Core will support stakeholder engagement,
maximize Center learning, and foster synergy and integration across the Cores, exploratory projects, and pilot
grant program. This Core will lead dissemination to the practice and scientific communities, training, and evalu-
ation of IMPACT. The Methods Core will collaboratively develop new methods, support investigators and train-
ees, and actively participate in outreach. The exploratory projects will employ and refine methods from IMPACT's
three challenges, developing and testing practical implementation strategies to improve treatment quality and
client outcomes via EBP implementation. Project 1 optimizes measurement-based care, a foundational frame-
work to guide EBP delivery. Project 2 optimizes and tests a peer-led, frontline leader-focused strategy to optimize
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for four most common youth conditions. Project 3 increases reach and impact
of an effective, multicomponent engagement strategy for clinicians in schools to use trauma-focused CBT.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The goal of the IMPACT Center: Optimizing Evidence-Based Practice Implementation for Clinical Impact, is to
increase high-fidelity delivery of evidence-based practices (EBPs) for youth receiving mental healthcare in low-
resource community settings. IMPACT Center's approach is to optimize EBP implementation in community set-
tings by partnering with stakeholders to develop practical implementation strategies, methods, and resources for
the practice and scientific communities. We focus on three challenges to high-fidelity EBP delivery: (I) Identify
and prioritize determinants of practice; (II) Match strategies to prioritized determinants; and (III) Optimize strate-
gies. Our research will have a strong impact on public health by enhancing treatment quality in the service of
improving clinical outcomes for youth.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdolescentAnthropologyAnxietyBehavioralCaringChildClientClinicalCognitive TherapyCollaborationsCommunicationCommunitiesCommunity Mental Health CentersCommunity PracticeConsultationsDataEducation and OutreachEffectivenessEnsureEvaluationEvidence based practiceEvidence based treatmentFamiliarityFamilyFosteringFoundationsFundingGoalsGrantHealthHealthcareImpact evaluationInformation SciencesKnowledgeLaboratoriesLeadLeadershipLearningLow incomeMeasurementMedicineMental DepressionMental HealthMental Health ServicesMethodsMorbidity - disease rateOutcomePilot ProjectsProviderPsyche structurePsychologyPublic HealthPublic Health PracticeRecording of previous eventsRecoveryResearchResearch InstituteResearch PersonnelResourcesSchoolsScienceServicesTestingTimeTrainingTraumaUniversitiesWashingtonYouthadverse outcomebasebehavioral healthclinical implementationcommunity involvementcommunity organizationscommunity settingcomputer sciencedesigndisabilitydissemination strategyeditorialethnic diversityimplementation barriersimplementation researchimplementation scienceimplementation strategyimprovedinnovationinvestigator trainingmortalityoutreachpeerpost-traumatic stresspreferenceprogramssynergismtooluser centered designuser-friendlyweb site
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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