Secondhand Harms from Alcohol & Drugs: Impacts on Families and Communities across the US
Project Number5R01AA029001-04
Former Number1R01AA029001-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderKERR, WILLIAM C Other PIs
Abstract Text
Secondhand harms from alcohol—also called alcohol’s harms to others—negatively affect users’ children,
partners, extended families, friends, neighbors, and communities. In contrast to alcohol-related harms, a
comprehensive empirical inventory of types, rates and impacts of secondhand harm from drugs in the US has
been entirely lacking. As states and communities grapple with challenges posed by legalization of recreational
marijuana, the worsening opioid crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding how use of different drugs
(alone and in combination with alcohol) impacts families and communities takes on new importance to inform
policies and programs to minimize harm. This study, Secondhand Harms from Alcohol & Drugs: Impacts on
Families and Communities across the US, will build upon a prior NIAAA-funded study of alcohol’s harm to
others (R01AA022791) to fill this gap. We propose to develop, field and analyze the 2023 US Alcohol and Drug
Harm to Others Survey, a representative adult population survey focused on a key set of harms experienced by
victims of others’ use of prevalent substances including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opioid painkillers, heroin,
cocaine and methamphetamine. Using geocoded self-report data, we will assess prevalence of secondhand
impacts of each substance and of multiple substance use; rates and severity of harms from different types of
“others” (spouses/partners, family members, co-workers, friends and strangers); mental and physical health
impacts; and risk factors including victims’ personal characteristics and own substance use, as well as their
neighborhood, community and state contexts. The Aims are to: (1) document prevalence, overlap and trends in
secondhand harms from alcohol and drugs, (2) examine contexts contributing to secondhand harms, and (3)
assess impacts of secondhand harms from alcohol and drugs on mental and physical health and quality of life.
Based on our experience designing and analyzing national surveys, we propose to conduct a comprehensive
survey to collect detailed data on secondhand alcohol and drug harms, and analyze these using advanced
strategies, including some co-analysis with existing data on secondhand harms collected before and during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Major project innovations will be to generate comprehensive US population estimates of
specific secondhand drug harms, collect new longitudinal data, and study trends in alcohol and marijuana harms.
A conceptual innovation is to investigate the role of both macro (neighborhoods, state contexts) and micro
(drinking contexts, social relationships) environments vis a vis secondhand harms from alcohol and specific
drugs. Despite importance for prevention, few studies have identified environmental contexts in which
secondhand harms from alcohol and various drugs occur. We will examine how environments may contribute to
(or minimize) specific harms for women and other high-priority groups (racial/ethnic minorities and sexual/genderminorities). Documenting types, overlap and severity of secondhand harms from alcohol and drugs has great
practical utility for prevention and promises to inform future development of effective public health policies.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The proposed study is highly relevant to public health, as data from the planned US population survey would
allow more accurate estimation of negative impacts of alcohol, tobacco and drugs like marijuana, opioids and
methamphetamine on people other than users themselves. The study will identify relevant risk factors of
individuals, their social environments, and their neighborhoods and communities, which will be useful for
planning targeted interventions and prevention programs to protect people at risk of harm. Results also will
provide evidence to inform debates on effective policy strategies to reduce alcohol- and drug-related harm.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AbateAdultAffectAgeAlcohol consumptionAlcoholsAnxietyAreaCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 pandemic effectsCase StudyCharacteristicsChildChronicCocaineCommunitiesCountryCrimeDataData ReportingDedicationsDevelopmentDisparityDistressDrug usageEnvironmentEquipment and supply inventoriesEthnic OriginExtended FamilyFamilyFamily memberFoundationsFriendsFundingFutureGenderGender IdentityGrantHarm ReductionHealth PolicyHealth StatusHeroinIncomeIndividualInterventionKnowledgeLegalLegal StatusLife Cycle StagesLiteratureMarijuanaMedicalMental DepressionMental HealthMethamphetamineMonitorNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismNeighborhoodsOpioidOpioid AnalgesicsPatient Self-ReportPatternPersonsPharmaceutical PreparationsPharmacotherapyPoliciesPolicy DevelopmentsPopulationPopulations at RiskPrevalencePreventionPrevention programProductivityPublic HealthQuality of lifeRaceRecreationReport (document)ResearchRisk FactorsRoleSeriesSeveritiesSex OrientationSexual and GenderMinoritiesSocial ControlsSocial EnvironmentSocioeconomic StatusSolidSpousesStimulantStressSubgroupSurveysTaxesTobaccoUrbanicityWomanalcohol abuse therapyalcohol availabilityalcohol epidemiologyalcohol tobacco and other drug usecommunity planningcostdesigndrinkingdriving under influenceenvironmental tobacco smokeethnic minorityexperiencefollow-upgender minorityinnovationintervention programopioid epidemicperpetratorsphysical conditioningpolysubstance usepopulation surveyprogramsracial minoritysocialsocial relationshipssubstance usetrend
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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