Examining differential effects of state equality-promoting policies on harmful alcohol use among sexual and gender minority adults in the U.S.: an econometrics approach for causal inference
Project Number5F31AA030722-02
Former Number1F31AA030722-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderTURNER, CAITLIN MARIE
Abstract Text
Hazardous alcohol use and binge drinking, the deadliest form of excessive alcohol use1-3, are substantially
more prevalent among sexual and gender minority adults compared to their cisgender straight counterparts4-11.
Minority stress from structural stigma drives sexual and gender minority health disparities12-16, but its potential
effect on binge drinking and hazardous alcohol use has yet to be rigorously examined.
Structural stigma is potentially amenable to intervention by equality-promoting policies at the state level that
explicitly name sexual and gender minority people as protected classes in employment, housing, public
accommodations, and other essential services17. The extent to which changes in state equality-promoting
policies relate to changes in binge drinking and hazardous alcohol use for sexual and gender minority adults
compared to their cisgender straight counterparts is unknown and the focus of the proposed study.
This study aims to evaluate differential effects of state equality-promoting policies (Aim 1) and key policy
domains (Aim 2) on binge drinking and hazardous alcohol use among sexual and gender minority adults. Non-
randomized variation in state equality-promoting policies necessitates the application of advanced
econometrics methods. To rigorously estimate effects and make causal inferences, triple differences models
and identifiability assumptions will be specified to analyze nationally representative data18 on over 72,000
sexual and gender minority adults linked with indices of state equality-promoting policies19 from 2014-2022.
The landscape of equality-promoting policies for sexual and gender minority people is ever evolving. This study
will offer a timely evidence base to inform needed structural interventions that reduce alcohol-related morbidity
and mortality among sexual and gender minority populations. With support from a premier mentorship team,
the applicant will build skills in (1) advanced econometrics methods for causal inference, (2) alcohol research
and social determinants of harmful alcohol use, and (3) identification of relevant and actionable social policies
that influence sexual and gender minority health. Achievement of these training goals will launch the
applicant’s career as a successful, independent researcher.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Sexual and gender minority adults bear an excess burden of harmful alcohol use (e.g., binge drinking and
hazardous alcohol use), necessitating exploration of underlying causal mechanisms. Structural drivers of
harmful alcohol use disparities in the form of state equality-promoting policies are underexplored yet offer an
important opportunity for applying advanced econometrics methods to rigorously estimate causal effects. This
study proposes a triple differences approach with causal identifiability assumptions to examine potential
differential effects of state equality-promoting policies on binge drinking and hazardous alcohol use for U.S.
sexual and gender minority adults compared to cisgender straight adults from 2014-2022.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdultAlcohol abuseAlcohol consumptionAlcohol dependenceAlcoholsBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance SystemBirthDataDisparityEducational StatusEmploymentEnvironmentGenderGender RoleGeneral PopulationGoalsHousingIndividual DifferencesInterventionLawsLesbian Gay BisexualLibidoLinkLiteratureMeasuresMentorshipMethodsModelingMorbidity - disease rateNamesNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismPoliciesPopulationResearchResearch PersonnelServicesSex OrientationSexual and GenderMinoritiesSocial PoliciesSpecific qualifier valueStrategic PlanningVariantWomanalcohol consequencesalcohol researchbinge drinkingcareercisgenderdisparity reductioneconometricsevidence basegender minoritygender minority groupgender minority healthgender minority health disparityhate crimesindexingmenminority disparityminority stressmortalitypublic policy on alcoholsex assignedsexual minoritysexual minority disparitysexual minority groupsexual minority mensexual minority womenskillssocial determinantssocial stigmatraining opportunitytransgender mentransgender womenwomen versus men
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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