Alcohol misuse and oxidative stress among diverse sexual minority young adults
Project Number3R01AA030243-02S1
Former Number5R01AA030243-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderEVANS-POLCE, REBECCA J.
Abstract Text
The overarching goal of this diversity supplement is to evaluate links among alcohol use, alcohol misuse, and
oxidative stress among a diverse sample of sexual minority young adults. I propose to analyze secondary data
from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study to address the proposed aims that fall
within the scope of the parent grant’s research objectives and expand upon it by identifying prospective
patterns of oxidative stress related to alcohol use (frequency) and alcohol misuse (quantity, e.g., binge
drinking) as indicators of health. Guiding the proposal are three specific aims: (1) Characterize longitudinal
changes of oxidative stress via 8-Isoprostane over 3 years by sociodemographic characteristics (sexual
orientation/identity, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) among sexual minority young adults. (2)
Describe longitudinal associations between alcohol use, alcohol misuse, and 8-Isoprostane over 3-years
among sexual minority young adults. (3) Determine whether associations between alcohol use, alcohol misuse,
and 8-Isoprostane over 3 years differ by sociodemographic characteristics (sexual orientation/identity, sex,
race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status). To test these aims, I propose sophisticated quantitative methodology
including parallel latent growth curve analyses which are rarely used to examine longitudinal associations
between alcohol use and misuse and oxidative stress among sexual minority young adults. The proposed
research will help to determine whether specific subgroups of sexual minority young adults are at greatest risk
for immediate care and support. With the mentorship of Dr. Rebecca Evans-Polce and Dr. Sean Esteban
McCabe, this diversity supplement training will allow me to: (1) expand my knowledge in the impacts of alcohol
use and alcohol misuse on biological processes among diverse sexualminorities across young adulthood, (2)
become proficient in analyzing large nationally representative longitudinal data, (3) and improve my grant
writing skills. The training acquired through this diversity supplement will position me to obtain my long-term
career objective of becoming a leader in NIH-funded research on the associations among minority stressors,
alcohol misuse, and other behavioral problems, and biological stress processes as determinants of health
among diverse sexual minority populations.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Sexual minority young adults are at elevated risk for alcohol use and alcohol misuse. High quantity and frequent
alcohol use and alcohol misuse are robustly associated with increased oxidative stress, and these alcohol-
biology associations are strong predictors of various physical and psychological health conditions and
substantially contribute to mortality. The proposed work for this supplement seeks to evaluate the adverse health
consequences of alcohol use and alcohol misuse on oxidative stress among sexual minority young adults across
sociodemographic subgroups who are known to vary in elevated risk for alcohol use and alcohol misuse but are
under-represented in biological studies of health disparities.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdolescentAdultAgeAlcohol consumptionAlcoholsBehaviorBiologicalBiological ProcessBiologyCOVID-19CannabisCaringCharacteristicsComplementCriminal JusticeDataDimensionsDiscriminationDistalEngineeringEthnic OriginFrequenciesFundingGender IdentityGoalsGrantGrowthHealthHealthcareHeterogeneityHeterosexualsIndividualIsoprostanesKnowledgeLawsLesbian Gay BisexualLinkLiquid substanceLongitudinal StudiesMeasuresMedicineMental HealthMentorshipMethodologyModelingMovementOutcomeOxidative StressPatient Self-ReportPatternPharmaceutical PreparationsPoliciesPopulation Assessment of Tobacco and HealthPositioning AttributeProblem behaviorProcessProductivityPublic PolicyRaceReportingResearchResearch DesignResearch Project GrantsRiskRisk FactorsSamplingSeveritiesSex OrientationSexual and GenderMinoritiesShapesSocial InteractionSocioeconomic StatusStressSubgroupSubstance Use DisorderSymptomsTestingTimeTobaccoTrainingUnited States National Academy of SciencesUnited States National Institutes of HealthVariantWorkWritingYouthalcohol consequencesalcohol measurementalcohol misusealcohol riskalcohol use disorderbinge drinkingcareercostethnic identityfallsfluiditygender minority groupgender minority health disparityhealth datahealth determinantshealth disparityimprovedinterestlongitudinal designminority stressormortalityparent grantphysical conditioningpolysubstance usepopulation basedprospectiveprotective factorspublic policy on alcoholracial identityresponsesecondary analysissexsexual identitysexual minoritysexual minority groupsexual minority healthsexual minority womenskillssocialsociodemographicsstressoryoung adult
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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