Contact PI/Project LeaderHATCH, MARY AKIKO Other PIs
Abstract Text
The evolving landscape of opioids, methamphetamine, legalized cannabis, and effects of structural racism and
stigma have led to prioritization of several themes in addiction treatment research. Marginalized and under-
represented minority populations continue to disproportionately bear the burden of SUDs and co-occurring
mental illness, and their voices must be included in research foci, workforce training, and relevant dissemination.
Innovations in MOUD treatment, overdose prevention, harm reduction strategies, and novel therapeutics and
technologies are needed to address the leading challenges in SUD treatment. The NIDA National Drug Abuse
Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) has prioritized these challenges. To contribute to the CTN’s objectives
and research priorities, the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Node proposes the following Specific Aims: 1) Increase
capacity of the PNW Node research team to ensure inclusion of populations experiencing structural inequities
by expanding investigators with practical and clinical expertise in opioid, methamphetamine, and other drugs of
abuse; substance use impacts on youth and families; emerging behavioral, neuromodulation and pharmacologic
treatments; SUD treatment access in primary care (PC); and harm reduction strategies in community settings
serving stigmatized, BIPOC, and minoritized or under-served populations. 2) Expand scope, population,
diversity, and focus of PNW Node’s roster of research, practice, and dissemination settings by including new
settings for SUD treatment and PC, and partnerships with individuals and organizations focusing on drug and
alcohol related policy in the Pacific Northwest. This will strengthen our continued focus on structural inequity,
including BIPOC; people living in rural areas; youth and families; people with lived experience; individuals with
co-occurring substance use and mental or physical health disorders; and gender and sexualminorities. 3) Design
and conduct pragmatic, comparative effectiveness, implementation, data science, and other types of studies that
evaluate novel behavioral, pharmacological, and technology-based treatments for opioids, methamphetamine,
and cannabis. Studies will be informed bi-directionally by SUD researchers, clinicians, primary and acute care
providers and our community advisory board, and enhanced where appropriate by use of Electronic Health
Records, with emphasis on BIPOC study recruitment. 4) Provide dissemination, workforce training, and technical
assistance to affiliated SUD and healthcare providers, researchers, and the public about SUDs, medication
treatments, and behavioral interventions integrated into settings serving people who use substances. We will
use strategic cross-node collaborations and UW/WSU training, technical assistance and dissemination programs
to complete this work.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Many people with substance use disorders (SUDs) do not seek treatment through specialty SUD programs.
People from under-represented groups and with co-occurring medical and mental health conditions need SUD
treatment or harm reduction to be integrated into the community settings they attend. Research on improved
treatments and technologies is needed, to better engage these individuals across diverse primary care, acute
care, remote-rural, low barrier, and specialty medical settings.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAlcoholsBRAIN initiativeBehavior TherapyBehavioralBlack, Indigenous, People of ColorBrainCannabisChildClinicalClinical TreatmentClinical Trials NetworkCollaborationsCommunitiesData ScienceDevelopmentDiseaseDoseDrug ControlsDrug abuseElectronic Health RecordEmergency MedicineEnsureEpidemicFamilyFundingGeographic LocationsHIVHallucinogensHarm ReductionHealth PersonnelHealth Services AccessibilityHelping to End Addiction Long-termIndividualInequityInstitutionInterventionLegalLived experienceMaintenanceMedicalMental HealthMental disordersMethamphetamineMethamphetamine use disorderMinority GroupsMissionModalityMulti-Institutional Clinical TrialNaloxoneNational Institute of Drug AbuseObservational StudyOpioidPacific NorthwestPersonsPharmaceutical PreparationsPharmacotherapyPoliciesPopulationPragmatic clinical trialPrimary CareProviderPsychiatryRacial EquityResearchResearch DesignResearch PersonnelResearch PriorityRiskRuralSexual and GenderMinoritiesStigmatizationStimulantStructural RacismSubstance Use DisorderTechnologyTrainingTranslational ResearchUnderrepresented MinorityUnderrepresented PopulationsUnderserved PopulationUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVoiceWashingtonWorkYouthacute careaddictioncare providerscommunity advisory boardcommunity based treatmentcommunity settingcomparative effectivenessdesigndrug of abuseefficacy studyexperiencehealth disparityhealth disparity populationsimprovedinjection drug useinnovationlensmarginalizationmarijuana legalizationmarijuana use disordermedical specialtiesmedication for opioid use disordermemberneonateneuroregulationnew technologynovelnovel therapeuticsopioid epidemicopioid use disorderoverdose preventionpatient populationpharmacologicphysical conditioningprogram disseminationprogramsrecruitresponserural areasocial stigmasubstance usesynthetic opioidtranslational pipelinetreatment researchwaiver
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