Understanding Mental Health Problems and Health Risk Behaviors among LGBT Veterans
Project Number5I01HX002423-06
Contact PI/Project LeaderSIMPSON, TRACY L.
Abstract Text
Background: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals have been identified as being at risk
for health disparities by the Institute of Medicine. Compared to their heterosexual and non-transgender
counterparts, they are especially likely to have higher rates of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), suicide ideation and attempt, alcohol misuse, and smoking. LGBT people are also overrepresented in
the Veteran population compared to the general population, especially among women and transgender
individuals. Recognizing this vulnerable population as a unique and sizable minority, the VA has made
significant efforts to improve care for LGBT Veterans through consultation and staff trainings. Although
research on LGBT Veterans has also increased, it has lagged behind, with only a small number of studies on
LGBT Veterans to date. The available data suggest that LGBT Veterans experience a high burden of mental
health problems and health risk behaviors, though studies have most often failed to examine differences by
gender (combining women and men) or sexual identity (combining gay/lesbian and bisexual), and data on
some sub-populations (e.g., gay and bisexual men) are extremely limited. Furthermore, few studies have
examined the risk and protective factors that may explain these disparities, or LGBT Veterans’ experiences
with and preferences for treatment.
Objectives: The objectives of this study are to: 1) identify the extent of sexual orientation and gender identity
disparities in mental health problems (depression, PTSD, anxiety, suicide ideation/attempt) and health risk
behaviors (alcohol misuse, smoking) among Veterans over time and across geographic regions; 2) examine
risk and protective factors associated with these outcomes guided by a conceptual model that is informed by
minority stress theory and the self-medication hypothesis; and 3) assess LGBT Veterans’ experiences with and
preferences for treatment, including VA utilization, barriers to care, and preferences for tailored interventions.
Methods: This is a prospective cohort study with 1,600 Veterans that will address the three study objectives
with 200 individuals in each of the following groups: heterosexual women, lesbian women, bisexual women,
heterosexual men, gay men, bisexual men, transgender women, and transgender men. All Veterans will be
recruited through online social networking sites and advertisements to online groups. Targeted advertisements
will be used to recruit Veterans from sexual orientation and gender identity subgroups. Study assessments will
also be conducted online to increase study reach and retention, with measures collected every nine months for
27 months (four assessments).
This study targets HSR&D Priorities of Equity and Health Disparities as well as Improving Mental and
Behavioral Health Interventions. Findings should greatly improve our knowledge about the extent of existing
health disparities, the risk and protective factors associated with them, and treatment preferences of LGBT
Veterans. They will also provide critical information for future prevention and intervention efforts for this
stigmatized and highly vulnerable group.
Public Health Relevance Statement
LGBT Veterans have faced a long history of stigma, discrimination, and exclusionary policies that were
intended to exclude them from military service. Despite recent shifts in policy and increased staff trainings,
existing evidence suggests that this group is at high risk for health disparities, particularly with respect to
mental health and health risk behaviors. While informative, the research to date has been limited in several
respects: cross-sectional designs, collapsing LGBT subgroups, severe lack of data on some subgroups,
problems with identifying a comparison group, and lack of data on risk and protective factors and care
experiences. This prospective cohort study will fill these gaps, recruiting and conducting surveys online with
1,600 Veterans to identify health disparities, test a conceptual model of prospective risk and protective factors,
and assess VA utilization, barriers to care, and treatment preferences. Data from this study will inform future
intervention efforts to achieve health equity for LGBT Veterans.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdultAdvertisementsAlcohol consumptionAmerican Medical AssociationAnxietyBisexualBisexual MenCaringChronic stressClinical CompetenceCommunitiesConsultationsDataData CollectionDiscriminationDisparityEmployeeEquityExclusionFeeling suicidalFutureGaysGender IdentityGeneral PopulationGeographic LocationsHealthHealth CareHeavy DrinkingHeterosexualsHigh PrevalenceHomophobiaIndividualInstitute of Medicine (U.S.)InterventionJournalsKnowledgeLGBT HealthLesbianLesbian Gay BisexualLesbian Gay Bisexual TransgenderLiteratureLongitudinal StudiesMale HomosexualityMapsMeasuresMental DepressionMental HealthMethodsMilitary PersonnelMinorityMinority GroupsModelingNational Health Interview SurveyOutcomePatient CarePersonsPoliciesPopulationPost-Traumatic Stress DisordersPreventionProspective, cohort studyProviderRecording of previous eventsReportingResearchResource AllocationRiskRisk BehaviorsRisk FactorsSelf MedicationServicesSex OrientationSiteSmokingSocial supportSourceStigmatizationStrategic PlanningSubgroupSuicide attemptSurveysTestingTimeTrainingVeteransVulnerable PopulationsWomanWorkalcohol misusebarrier to carebehavioral health interventioncare preferencecare systemscomparison groupdesignexperiencegender differencehealth care service utilizationhealth disparityhealth equityhigh riskimprovedinfancylongitudinal designmembermenmilitary servicemilitary traumamilitary veteranminority stressminority stressoroutreachpeerpreferenceprogramsprospectiveprotective factorspsychological distressrecruitsexual identitysocial networking websitesocial stigmastressorsuicidal risksystematic reviewtheoriestransgendertransgender mentransgender womentransphobia
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