Columbia Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Alzheimer's Disease Disparities (CIRAD)
Project Number5P30AG059303-07
Former Number5P30AG059303-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderMANLY, JENNIFER JAIE Other PIs
Abstract Text
This is a proposal to renew an Alzheimer's- related Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (AD-RCMAR)
called the Columbia University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Alzheimer's Disease Disparities
(CIRAD). The thematic focus of the CIRAD is biological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental
mechanisms of ADRD inequalities, including risk and resilience factors, biomarkers, and caregiving. It is critical
to identify pathways between structural and social systems of exposure and ADRD outcomes in order to design
interventions to narrow disparities and reduce the population burden of cognitive impairment and dementia. Over
the past 4.5 years, CIRAD has built an extensive network that includes Core Leaders, Scientists, mentors, and
collaborators from the four schools of the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, the Columbia University
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC), the Columbia Butler Aging Center, the CTSA Community
Engagement Core, and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. We have engaged Scientists and mentors from
New York City based institutions such as the City University of New York and the State University of New York,
NYU, Weill Cornell Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, as well
as other institutions around the country. The CIRAD Core leadership team includes former RCMAR Scientists
who are well known for community-engaged research on ADRD inequalities. The goal of CIRAD is to provide
sustained mentoring and career development, support for pilot studies, training in health disparities, and
interdisciplinary collaboration to CIRAD Scientists and to support and accelerate research on the mechanisms
of ADRD disparities so that they can be narrowed or eliminated. We will achieve our goals through: Aim 1. To
establish and support a Leadership and Administrative Core, Aim 2. To establish a Research Education Core
that will support a program that engages and supports early-stage investigators from historically excluded
backgrounds interested in an independent career in ADRD research, Aim 3. To provide analytic guidance and
support via an Analysis Core, and Aim 4. To accelerate research on mechanisms of ADRD disparities.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The Columbia Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Alzheimer's Disease Disparities will provide a reparative
mentoring and leadership program, ADRD equity research training, pilot funding, and interdisciplinary
collaboration to early career investigators from backgrounds that have been historically excluded in ADRD
research. Our goal is to accelerate innovative research on the mechanisms of inequalities in ADRD, including
biological, behavioral, sociocultural, environmental risk and resilience factors, biomarkers, and caregiving.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccelerationAccountabilityAfrican AmericanAfrican American populationAgingAlaska NativeAlzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer's disease related dementiaAmerican IndiansAwarenessBehavioralBehavioral ResearchBioinformaticsBiologicalBiological MarkersCitiesClinical TrialsCollaborationsCommunicationCountryDementiaDentalDirect CostsDiscipline of NursingDisparityEducational workshopEnsureEnvironmental Risk FactorEquityEvaluationExclusionFamilyFundingGoalsGrantHealthImpaired cognitionIncidenceInequalityInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyInternationalInternshipsLatinoLatinxLeadershipLife Cycle StagesLongitudinal, observational studyMeasuresMedical centerMedicineMental HealthMentorsMentorshipMethodsMinorityMinority-Serving InstitutionNew YorkNew York CityNot Hispanic or LatinoOutcomePathway interactionsPhysiciansPilot ProjectsPoliciesPopulationPrevalenceProductionPsychometricsPublic HealthQuality of lifeRegulationResearchResearch InstituteResearch PersonnelResearch TrainingResourcesRisk FactorsSchoolsScientistSexismSocial WorkStressSurgeonSystemTrainingTranslationsUniversitiesVascular Dementiaaging braincareercareer developmentcaregivingcollegecommunity engaged researchcommunity engagementcommunity partnersdementia burdendementia caregivingdesigndisease disparityeducation researchfrailtyhealth disparityimplementation scienceinnovationinterdisciplinary collaborationinterestminority investigatornovelprogramsracismresilience factorskillssocialsocial culturesocial disparitiessocial health determinantssociocultural determinanttherapy design
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